Coenzyme Q10 and Infertility

In men with low sperm counts, CoQ10 supplementation improves sperm density, sperm morphology, and sperm motility.

For women with diminished ovarian reserve, CoQ10 supplementation improves the quality of the eggs produced by the ovaries.

For women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, Coenzyme Q10 is a safe and effective therapy that improves PCOS by improving insulin resistance, increasing sex hormone levels, and improving blood lipids.

Pregnant Asian woman holding her stomach while smiling

Newest Articles About CoQ10 and Fertility

Coenzyme Q10 and Male Infertility

April 30th, 2024|0 Comments

A review of clinical studies shows that CoQ10 supplementation helps male patients with infertility issues in several ways: improves sperm parameters, reduces testicular oxidative stress, and increases pregnancy rates, both naturally and with assisted reproductive technology.

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